Lawtech Group’s in-house divisions have successfully delivered many short-term and long-term cyclical repairs and redecoration programmes, primarily at fully-occupied locations. Typical schemes include:
Kitchen refurbishment/replacement
Bathroom refurbishment/replacement
Glazing repairs/replacement
FRA works
Heating and boiler repairs/upgrade
Roofing works
Security and door entry systems
Lawtech’s Customer Care Team will develop integrated working practices with your organisation to support the needs of vulnerable residents and respond to the unique demographics of every site location.
Our dedicated, site-based Resident Liaison Officers (RLOs) provide a friendly and efficient first point-of-contact, tailoring our service to accommodate individual personal circumstances wherever possible. RLOs remain with a project from inception to completion, immersing themselves in the life of the community they are working amongst.
Every property is surveyed by an experienced RLO at the pre-commencement stage to agree access arrangements and manage residents’ expectations. Information is issued in multiple languages as necessary and the RLOs make regular home visits throughout the works to ensure residents are satisfied with progress. Lawtech’s RLO’s also administrate the handover process and Defects Liability Period to provide your residents with reassuring continuity of service.
Throughout the contract period your residents will have access to Lawtech’s 24/7 Customer Care and Emergency Freephone Hotlines. All calls are answered by an operator who will assess the reported issue and refer it to the appropriate Project Management Team member. On-call Managers are available at all times, 365 days a year.